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Critical Next Steps

1. Reach out to Israeli decision-makers in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and present the Gaza Airport Proposal and its details to them.


2. Continue to develop a relationship with the Palestinian Authority and obtain public diplomatic support from Ramallah for the proposed airport and plan concrete action steps. 


3. Communicate with relevant U.N. bodies to discuss various components of the proposed airport and to develop a framework for implementing it with international support. 


4. Study the model of the European Union Border Assistance Mission Rafah (EUBAM Rafah) which administered the Rafah Border Crossing from 2005 to 2006 to determine if any of its components can be used for the proposed airport. 


5. Conduct an extensive educational outreach campaign via diplomatic and media channels in the Middle East and internationally. 

6. Continue to generate widespread support among the Palestinian people for the proposed airport. 

7. Fundraise for PUA's operations and communicate with possible funding sources to finance the construction and operation of the airport. 

8. Seek funding specifically for the development of a Master Plan for the implementation of the proposed airport to include aviation, engineering, security, and risk-management components. 

9. Consider creating a symbolic, ground-breaking ceremony to be sponsored by the Palestinian Authority and U.N./international officials when significant progress has been made with getting the proposed airport approved by Israel and other relevant parties. 

10. Examine options for opening a regional presence/office in the Gaza Strip that could be managed via a professional private company such as "CTG Global - International Humanitarian Support" which manages the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) on behalf of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).


Necessary Steps From the Government of Israel

1. Analyze PUA’s proposal for a UN-operated and regulated airport in the Gaza Strip. Publicly confirm Israel’s openness to further explore the proposal. 

2. Adopt the PUA principle that the proposed airport be implemented as an ad-hoc humanitarian measure to improve the quality of life for civilians in Gaza. This principle would not prejudice a comprehensive political resolution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. Recognize the need for quick action to reverse Gaza’s de-development before it becomes uninhabitable. 

3. Signal a willingness to discuss how Israel’s security concerns could be addressed through third-party independent management of the airport including operational modalities concerning the location, flight paths, destinations and need for a residential complex (for employees from outside of Gaza and others) within the facility.

2017 © Project Unified Assistance (PUA) is a United States-based 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law. 

PUA follows OFAC regulations and complies with the SDN list.

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